As you know the Czech Sleep Research and Sleep Medicine Society has recently renewed membership in World Sleep Society. Because you are a member, there are a couple of benefits that extend to your members. Would you please send out the following information to your members to make them aware? Thank you!
World Sleep Society is a nonprofit, professional membership organization dedicated to advancing sleep health worldwide. To accomplish this mission, World Sleep Society manages programs that engage the global community of sleep physicians, researchers, and professionals as well the public.
As an Associate Society member of World Sleep Society, members of Czech Sleep Research and Sleep Medicine Society are entitled to the following benefits from World Sleep Society.
Discounted individual membership dues - Receive $10 off Individual membership in World Sleep Society. This applies to all individual memberships. Dues are as follows:
Regular - $70.00 USD ($60 with the discount)
Student - $25.00 USD ($15 with the discount)
Technician – ($25.00 USD ($15 with the discount)
Individual memberships can be purchased via our online store at:
Enter the Promo code 10OFF2025 before checking out.
Access to Sleep Medicine Journal
Sleep Medicine is an indispensable resource to the sleep medicine clinician. The journal focuses on the human aspects of sleep, integrating the various disciplines that are involved in sleep medicine: neurology, clinical neurophysiology, internal medicine (particularly pulmonology and cardiology), psychology, psychiatry, sleep technology, pediatrics, neurosurgery, otorhinolaryngology, and dentistry.
To access Sleep Medicine Journal, you will need a registered account. To register, fill out the form on this page: